Please click here and use the link below to start a return or exchange


All you'll need to complete your return is the email you used to place your order or the shipping zip code and your order number.

To be eligible for a return, you must return your item within 30 days of receipt, and your item must be unused and unwashed, with tags attached, and in the same condition and packaging that you received it.

30 Day hassle free returns

We want you to love your purchases so if for any reason you are not completely satisfied, we accept returns within 30 days of receipt.

Just follow this link to begin the return or exchange process. All you'll need to complete your return is the email you used to place your order or the shipping zip code and your order number.

To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and unwashed, with tags attached, and in the same condition and packaging that you received it.

First return is on us

We want you to love shopping with UNUMSHOP and hope you always love everything your order. However, we know that sometimes, items don't fit the way we want or look different in person. This shouldn't stop you from shopping sustainably and responsibly though!

Thus, we'll cover the return shipping costs on any returns from your first order with us that meet our return criteria.

Return shipping free on exchanges or store credit

Even after your first order with us, we will also cover return shipping costs on subsequent orders returned for a 1-1 exchange or for store credit.

returns for a refund are subject to return shipping fees after first order

Returns for a refund after your first order with us will be subject to return shipping costs as calculated by our shipping partners (at discounted rates though!) and will be deducted from the refund amount.

We never charge restocking fees.

Return or exchange processing time is usually 10-14 business days

Returns or exchanges are typically processed and creditted when accepted in 10-14 business days from placing the returned item in the mail.

We strive to evalute and process returned items within 2 business days of our receipt of returned items, however things like shipping delays and/or bank delays which are outside our immediate control can negatively impact this overall timing.

We do our best to keep you updated on your return or exchange with proactive alerts such as when we recieve the returned item/s and when we process the return on our end. If more than 21 days have passed since shipping your item without any further updates, please contact us at